Rehab News

The America in Rehab Blog

Welcome to the America in Rehab blog. In this section of our addiction treatment marketing website, you’ll find the latest in rehab industry news as well as expert insight, primarily authored by America in Rehab founder Jim Peake, who has more than 20 years of experience marketing on behalf of addiction treatment centers nationwide.

If there’s a technological or treatment advancement in the rehab industry, we’ll be here to break it down and offer analysis. We’ll also cover techniques and strategies that can help your treatment center better engage online visitors and capture admissions. Be sure to never miss a new post on America in Rehab by bookmarking this page or following our social media profiles.

Are Drug Rehab PPC Management Services Worth It?

I knew we were in a competitive industry but I did not know we are one of the very most expensive sectors when it comes to keyword costs for PPC and Google Adwords.  So with costs that can run into double digits just for a single click, be prepared to spend a few bucks i.e.:

Recovery  = $42.03 CPC

Rehab = $33.59

Treatment = $37.18

Now while none of these keywords on their own offer a lot of value they in combination with a geo-target keyword just might.  For example: Boston Rehab Center or Boston Treatment Center.  Here is why these keywords cost so much.  First off there are only so many people with insurance or the cash to pay $20-$50K per month for private drug rehab.  When a center gets an admission on this type of paying client it can be very profitable.  Each additional patient adds more profits to the treatment center bottom line.

The other reason why this PPC Advertising method is so expensive is because it works and a lot of people want the instant traffic and leads that can come from Google Adwords.  With so many centers vying for the same prospect this drives up the auction price of the placement of the CPC Advertisement.

My point to this whole post is if you are going to get into the PPC game with your treatment center you mustr know what you are doing and you must be willing to make a commitment to the space.  It costs money to weather the data curve so that when we do spend on PPC we are buying the best quality and converting keywords and positions possible. For more information on PPC Management Services in the drug and alcohol addiction space please visit Addiction-Rep.


2012 Top 10 Drug and Alcohol Rehab Blogs/Forums

2012 Top 10 Drug and Alcohol Rehab Blogs/Forums

This list that we have compiled is not an exact list and we probably are missing some very good blogs and would like you to add more centers in the comments section below but this is a start for the Top 10 Drug and Alcohol Rehab Blogs/Forums. The biggest criteria that we are measuring is the website traffic from Keep in mind that the traffic volumes being recorded also include the website traffic so it is impossible to segment only the blog traffic unless we have access to their Google Analytics. This report was recorded in June of 2012.

What is probably most interesting is that only 5 of the 10 are treatment centers and the other 5 are referral and internet marketing companies that are in the top 10 for drug rehab blogs.

#1) is the powerhouse in the drug rehab industry of a blog/forum with a commanding lead of 180,000 unique monthly visitors. This site is constantly being updated with user content. The site is owned by Internet Brands, Inc. which has focus on other internet properties. This site is highly functional however not very attractive.

#2) is in at 46,000 unique visits per month. Choose Help is independently owned by a web production marketing company called Martin Schoel Productions. Many of their Featured Facilities appear to be owned by CRC Health.

#3) 38,000 unique monthly visits is an up and coming presence in the Drug Rehab space. We think it is a kin to the TMZ of addiction. With more focus on Addiction instead of treatment and a snarky approach expect to see some growth over the next few years. This site has a tabloid paper type of feel to it.

#4) 34,000 unique monthly visits (Disclosure: Jim Peake author of this blog America In Rehab used to work there) is a distant third to Sober Recovery however has always been a strong contender in the drug rehab industry. Built on the Joomla platform there are many features and functions however the attractiveness factor has limitations with the platform.

#5) in at 28,000 unique visitors is arguably one of the biggest treatment centers operating in the USA. This site is in position #1 for treatment centers and the sites above are referral and publication type of sites.

#6) has 28,000 unique visitors is one of my favorite websites. This Florida Drug rehab is owned by The Elements owners of Expect to see big things from this group in the coming years.

#7) is in at 11,000 unique visitors. This is the first site in this list that is a Non-Profit business. We can’t tell where they are located because they are hiding their Google Map. This blog resides on their subdomain on their main domain.

#8) comes in at 12,000 unique visits. Sober Living is a division of CRC Health one of the largest Drug Rehab Operators and Methadone Clinics in the USA.

#9 comes in at 9,000 unique visits per month. It appears that SobnerNexus is owned by people in the real estate marketing industry and is solely a referral site for treatment centers and sober living facilities.

#10) comes in at 5,800 unique visits per month. An independent luxury drug rehab based in Utah caters to the affluent and the celebrities. Bruce Clay is their current SEO company.

Online Video Communication for Addiction Treatment Centers

In this video I have cued it up to share with you the importance of video human communication. Just 7% of human communication is through the actual words and 93% of human communication is NON VERBAL, body language to be specific.

If we are going to tell a compelling story with our addiction treatment center then we really have to use video. Video can be our USP. Many centers are still not using video and some of the ones that are aren’t even doing it well. If we are going to use video we might as well do it well. As you can see in the above clip 93% of communication is NON VERBAL so this is why is it so important that we use video in allowing the families to meet our staff and listen to our alumni who have been through our treatment center.

Consumer Reports to Publish a Treatment Center Guide?

I heard a rumor that Consumer Reports will be publishing a treatment center guide. This could get interesting pretty fast. The government, Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) already publishes a comprehensive directory or a treatment center locator.

There are a few other treatment center directories that provide some good information on the treatment centers however both with SAMHSA and the Treatment Directories really don’t carry the same authority as does Consumer Reports. That said, I’m surprised that HealthGrades or some other authority in the space like Psychology Today has not ventured into our field to start ranking centers.

Knowing what I know I would much rather see what the consumers are saying on something like a Google Places Page like this one. I do not think Consumer Reports has much experience in the addiction field if any.

Trade Show Marketing for Addiction Treatment Centers

While this might not seem really obvious I only saw just a few of us giving away iPads and Kindles at the recent 2012 NAATP Leadership Conference in Phoenix. Why would anyone want to do that? Because if you are trying to meet new people and prospective customers we might as well capitalize on the opportunity of the concentration of prospects at the “trade show” itself. I think we captured over half of the attendees business cards at this conference.

iPads Generate Business Cards

Usually at the end of most of my posts I tell people to call me for questions, however I’m not going to do that on this post. What I will say though is to go down to your local Apple Store and get and iPad or two and go have some fun at your next trade show!

Many treatment centers get their business from other treatment centers so attending and exhibiting at industry conferences can be profitable. However, if you are looking for other ways to generate admissions you can visit Addiction-Rep for more information on lead generation for your center.