Tag Archives: treatment center website review

Drug Rehab Websites – it’s about traffic and conversions

If you are a drug addiction treatment center especially in North America you know how competitive the landscape is for business. These days almost every drug rehab that wants to stay in business has to take some form of insurance. Cash pay clients are extremely hard to come by. Google is working on an “over optimization penalty.”

What does this mean for drug rehabs with huge sites that are “over optimized?” It means that they could be endangered. It is critical that you do have websites that are structured well and optimized well. It is “my” (Jim Peake’s) belief that treatment centers need a “family of websites” that each bring their own niche focus to the table. Think of it like the Kennedy compound on Cape Cod. You want several “homes” in the same neighborhood so that when folks come by they are sure to stop in.

In doing this, many drug addiction treatment centers find it difficult to build let alone manage a half dozen or a dozen websites. My team at Addiction-Rep has come out with a customized packaged website development service strictly for the drug rehab centers. This new service/product is called Recovery Websites. We can crank these sites out in less than 30 days and amke them look beautiful at very competitive rates. We can also port over your existing addiction treatment center website to our platform, which is a managed WordPress platform. We can also fill them with meaningful and relevant content that does get noticed in the social media world.

These new websites are set up for running Pay Per Click Advertising as well as Search Engine Optimization for businesses seeking alcoholics and drug addicts. The overarching key is the tracking will be set up for you so that you know where you are spending your money and you know what is working and not working so your results will be optimal.

Direct Response Treatment Center Website Review

Since the beginning of 2011 it has gotten much more competitive in the drug addiction treatment space to acquire more qualified visitors to our web sites. Because it has gotten so difficult and not to mention expensive with a capital E we might as well make the most of the website traffic we have coming to our site. In this florida drug rehab treatment center they have done a very good job of asking the website visitor to take 6 actions above the fold.

1) click on the video
2) call for free consultation below video
3) fill out a web form below the video
4) call in upper right
5) fill in e-mail for free report
6) check to see if they accept your insurance
7) learn more with 4 more links

Keep in mind that they also have their trust icons above the fold. Trust is the single biggest reason for conversions. While this is only a homepage review I like it a lot and would imagine that with this kind of engagement their is potential to secure conversations with clients and improve conversions.