Tis the season to be jolly, now in the time to prepare. January is undoubtedly the busiest time of year for drug treatment centers. It seems like everyone wants to start a new leaf when the new year comes around.
Since SEO takes time to index content and have it rank between now (Fall of 2011) and the end of the year is the best time to optimize your drug rehab center website(s). The reason being is it takes time to get the content indexed in the search engines, it take times for the social media networks to spread it around. it takes time to create the content.
Drug Rehab website traffic grows by at least 30% at the first of the year every year just like clockwork. If this is so, why not invest and plant the seeds now so you can have a great start to the new year?
I work with EminentSEO and one of our strongest verticals is Drug Rehab. We’ve been doing Drug Rehab SEO for over 8 years now and collectively have over 15 years experience in Drug Rehab Website Search Engine Optimization.